Get Them Before They’re Gone! Ikea RIBBA frames!

Hey, friends!

We had to share this with you before it’s too late! And no- we don’t work with, or for, Ikea in anyway… but, we totally LOVE their frames! We have yet to find a better frame, with matting, at such a CHEAP price! And when you’re doing gallery walls, with lots of photos… the cost of frames can add up quick. So cheap is best, for sure!

We started using RIBBA frames last summer with our family room gallery wall. Which I still love!


In fact, I loved this wall so much, that I decided to duplicate it in another area of our house. We have this area at the bottom of the stairs that I just can’t decide what to do with! Eventually, I think we’ll build a bench and lockers… but for now, I keep moving different tables or shelves there, eventually changing it out for a different table, and never quite liking the space.


I guess I had a dream about it one night, and woke up in the morning and said, “let’s go to Ikea!”. (I mean, dreaming of wall decor is totally normal, right?) So, off to Ikea we went and… *cue jaw drop here* THEY STOPPED SELLING THE 12X18 RIBBA FRAME! In fact, they stopped selling most sizes of the RIBBA frame, and my guess is, they are phasing the RIBBA frame out completely. Luckily, there were a ton of this size, so I was able to complete my gallery wall. But, my word of advise… run to Ikea this week and grab as many RIBBA frames as you can! These were only $2.99. Yes- $2.99! And I have a sinking feeling they won’t be available too much longer!