Must Have: Magnolia Table Cookbook!



I can’t tell you how many times I have walked past this in a store, and eyed it the whole time… only to make myself refrain from spending $25 on a book I didn’t need, but I totally needed, ya know what I mean?

Well, insert Amazon, who of course has it cheaper, and I no longer could refrain! And I’m so glad I didn’t because this cookbook is everything I thought it would be. I mean… After School Banana Bread, Chocolate Chip Cookies, Fried Chicken, Scalloped Potatoes…. yes, to everything! JoAnna did not disappoint. Plus, I absolutely LOVE the cover; the shiplap, the black and white, the hardcover… it’s perfect to sit out on any kitchen counter.

Share with us below… what’s your favorite Magnolia Table recipe?!

And if you don’t have it already, you owe yourself one! You can pick one up on Amazon here!